Leicestershire Adult Social Care online

Welcome to the Adult Social Care portal.
Here you can request support for yourself, or on behalf of someone else if you have their permission, and you can get an indication of how much you might need to pay towards services using the Financial Assessment tool.
Before completing the Self assessment, we recommend that you look at the information  here about support available to help you to stay independent and the charging policy we apply. Before completing a Carer's assessment, we recommend that you look at the information and advice available when looking after someone.

You can also see information about being a Shared Lives Carer and start the application process. Please note; the applicant will be providing services from within their own family home as a Shared Lives provider, this is not a Personal Assistant role.

Health, Social Care and other professionals have a dedicated area for more specific referrals.

Everyone has the right to work in a safe and abuse free environment. Abuse of any form towards Leicestershire County Council Staff will not be tolerated.